A lightweight Garlicoin desktop wallet
Garlium is a lightweight desktop wallet for Garlicoin, based on Electrum. By deterministically generating your wallet keys, you can save your wallet by writing a simple 12-word phrase down. You can load your wallet at any time by simply typing the 12-word phrase back in, on any computer, anywhere.
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv git
sudo dnf install git
sudo pacman -S python python-pip python-virtualenv git
yaourt -S garlium-git
sudo pip install virtualenv
git clone https://github.com/xSke/Garlium cd Garlium
virtualenv ./ --python=python3
bin/pip install PyQt5
bin/python3 setup.py install
bin/python3 ./garlium
garlicoin-cli dumpprivkey <YOURADDRESS>
. This will provide you with your address's private key. See above (regarding paper wallets) for instructions on how to import that private key into Garlium.
If you have a large amount of small incoming transactions in your wallet (eg. from pool mining), your money is split among lots of UTXOs (or unspent transaction outputs). Each UTXO takes up some space in the new transaction, and as such your transaction will become very large. Larger transactions mean larger fees, and at some point the network will downright refuse to process your transaction. It's like paying with a thousand pennies instead of a $10 bill.
To fix this issue, you can either hand-pick UTXOs to send, so you can control how many you use, or send a bunch of UTXOs to yourself, essentially "merging" them into a single UTXO.
You can do this by going to View -> Show Coins. Every "coin" you see there is a UTXO. Select as many as you need to send (don't select more than about 250, though), right click, and press "Spend". Now, select how much you want to spend, and send your money either to yourself (to "merge" UTXOs), or to someone else (they'll receive them as a normal transaction).
PS: Deleting %AppData%/Garlium/blockchain_headers and restarting solves a lot of problems. If your issue isn't listed here, perhaps try that?
If you're having connection issues, perhaps connect to another server node. You can add a node by going to Tools -> Network -> Servers, unchecking "Select server automatically", and inserting the details in the two text boxes.
Here is a full list of known nodes:
Server | Port | Owner |
ske.wtf | 50004 | @Ske#6201 | | 50002 | @DBN#1688 | | 50002 | @Bonobo#8875 |
mhamburger.net | 50002 | @mark3748#1645 |
garlium.kenzierocks.me | 50002 | @octylFractal#1861 |
electrum.garlicsoup.xyz | 50002 | @Martin#6614 |
electrum.garli.co.in | 50002 | @Vilsol#2060 |
garlium.rshaw.space | 50002 | @ryan-shaw |
garlium.garlicpool.org | 50002 | @Smiba#3781 |
roflmining.com | 50002 | @ROFLdld |
tuxprint.com | 50002 | @tuxprint#5176 | | 50002 | @andrewgreen#5316 |
garlicnode.cobbnet.xyz | 50002 | CobblerSalad#4729 |